Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Teacher Presents Complete - Hooray!

Well ,of course they are finished as we gave them to the teacher's last Thursday and that was the second last day of school. I am never going to leave them to be completed so late again!!!
My last entry said I was going to start them on that day, which was Saturday, so , of course, I didn't touch them at all and finally got them started on Sunday night.

I didn't photograph Sebastian's teacher's present as i didn't alter it much. It was an Essendon tin lunchbox so i just added some red and black ribbon to the handle and a tag in red and black lettering that said Mr Payton's stuf! he also got an Essendon beer mug.

Sam was in Year 7 this year, and my best buddy Kim, informed me that Mitchell, her son in year 8, told her that you don't give high school teachers presents. It just isn't cool. I discussed this with Sam and he decided that he didn't care if it wasn't cool, he still wanted me to make Kate a present. Sam's high school is also organised a bit differently as Sam had his teacher Kate for most things every day, and only went off to specialist classes for things like art and Wood Tech (which Sam loathed with a passion).

So I decorated a clipboard for Kate. The stripey strips are just the reverse of the sun paper. I put her name on it in 3 different sorts of stickers in the corners. The back was covered in the stripey reverse of the sun paper. I had already painted the edges of the board orange ages ago.

I also decorated a small notebook that I picked up at the supermarket which luckily already had an orange cover!

Georgia had two teachers this year and she loved every minute she was with them. She informed me that Miss Narres liked owls and Mrs Winship liked pirates. I had these tins up on my shelf for ages. I think originally I was going to decorate one for Georgia but never got around to it. I liked the owl one so much when I finished it I wanted to keep it for myself!

Branches I had in my stash. I think they were originally from a CK kit of the month. Owl was a diecut I bought to use on a page but it was too big. I just enhanced his feathers with some sparkle gel and added some bling to his eyes which were just pinpoints.





3 other flowers, all different, are hiding beneath all the ribbon on the handle!

just added a bit of bling to these stickers.


Again added extra bling to the treasure chest.


Front showing name tag

And again, three extra different flowers hiding under the ribbon decorated handle.

Hope you liked them!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Plan for today

My plan for today is to try and get all my teacher presents done! A big plan but I'm going to try.
I have never left it so late to get them done before. If I do get them finished I will photograph them and upload them on here.
There is so much stuff to be done around here that my head is in a whirl. The Christmas rush has well and truly started but I refuse to let myself stress out about it this year - I absolutely refuse!

Here are a few more layouts for you to look at while I go and start those teacher pressies.

I had this hideous green paper with a white border I had got from who knows where and was going to toss it when I realised it would be perfect for one of the squillions of footy layouts I seem to do. The bouncing footy lines are pen of course, not stitching!

These are my fabulous scrapping buddies on one of our weekends away. The font and frames are from the Hannah Montana cricut cartridge. I was really pleased with how this double layout turned out!

The coach isn't a weirdo trying to kiss Sebastian because it is his DAD! I like how the title turned out even though I used lots of different lettering it still seems to work.

The Easter Bunny must have a very big pouch as he always leaves such interesting pressies behind for us!

Thanks for looking.Please leave a comment so I know there is someone out there!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

 Sebastian and Georgia in the pool with one of their wonderful swimming teachers, Natasha. Georgie looks so little!

 I have just now realised that I forgot to stick the journalling on this one - whoops!

I love putting rubons on photos - they always look great!

Cut these letters on the cricut and was really pleased with them. I can't remember where I got the big footy diecut shape from but I wish I could! I love the grass paper too but I can't remember where it came from either. I always need footy stuff so if you ever see any around please let me know.

Sebastian and his best mate at footy Zak. They both look so much older now.

 My boys at jumper presentation for season 2009.

 Without the magical cropping of digital photos mine would look so ordinary. Cropping is particularly great for turning an ordinary sports photo with bare patches of grass and out of focus moving players, into a terrific photo by chopping all the dull stuff off. And I couldn't survive without my all important delete button to get rid of the evidence of all the dud photos I take! It's these little moments in time that I will treasure forever as although Sam wanted to keep playing his extremely poor eyesight meant that continuing to play as the boys all got bigger and the game got more physical was just out of the question.
Photos and layouts like these will help to remind Sam of all the fun he had, the skills he developed, to his credit to a much higher standard that I ever thought he would, the friends he made, and that every now and then he would do everything right, and be in the right spot on the ground at the right time, to look like a champion!!! Good on you Sam!

Sam is now continuing his role at our fabulous footy club - Werribee Centrals Junior Football Club, by being a timekeeper at all the matches his Dad coaches and his younger brother plays in, and helping his Mum with the club emails and club website!!! Which I haven't actually started looking after yet but it is on my very long to do list before footy season starts again! Phew!

Crop dates for January 2011

I will be having 2 Friday night crops at my place in January. They will be on Friday the 7th of January and
Friday the 21st of January 2011. I will be home on those days so if you are not working you are welcome to come over anytime after lunch.

I am also interested in driving down to the Kaisercraft outlet in Geelong and would love to have you come along with me as Geelong is only half an hour from my door! So if you are interested please leave a comment or email me about whether you would rather go on a week day or a Saturday in January and the majority will get their preference or maybe I will go twice! My car seats 7 so you could leave your car here and we could all go together. I have never actually been there, even though it is so close to here but Robyn, who works near there, tells me it is fantastic!

Bad hair day

I couldn't resist putting up these photos of Georgie and Sebastian when they had BAD HAIR DAY at school last week!!!

 What a cool dude!

When I bought the rollers at the local $2 shop Georgie asked me what they were for??? I sent her to school with a plastic bag so she could take them out when she got sick of them but she kept them in all day!!! What a girly girl!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day out at Cristina Re!

I had a lovely day out on Sunday 21st November with my bestest scrapping buddies at the Cristina Re concept shop in Collingwood. The shop was very pretty and full of lovely Cristina Re stationery as well as her own tea label, teacups and teapots and other bits and bobs.

We made a couple of lovely quick cards at a workshop and indulged ourselves in the pretty afternoon tea. The table looked beautiful and the food was delicious and plentiful but my one criticism would be I thought when they were charging so much per head that they could have had a little more variety in the food on offer. I also could have had a manicure as part of the price but I thought it would scare the manicurist if I showed her my horrible bitten fingernails - a habit I have never been able to break. I have more photos of my scrapping buddies enjoying our afternoon out together and will try and upload these if they give me permission to do so.

Too long between posts!

Oh, it's just been too long between posts! But, in my defense I did write up a blog post, added photos and all, only to find after I had previewed it, that it disappeared off into cyberspace and was never to be seen again!?!?!?! Where do those things lost in cyberspace go - perhaps to the same place where all the odd socks go?!?!?!

Another crop night at my place has come and gone. I have dates for January which I will list below. A few more scrappers were supposed to be with us that night but as often happens, things just didn't work out, so it was just Robyn, Pauline, Barbara and I. We had  a good time anyway, even though the children were noisier than I would have liked them to be. So they, and their Dad, have had a lecture about their behaviour and noise level for next time. I'm sure it will go back to being as quiet as it was on the first crop night!!!

Pauline and Robyn hard at work!

  Barbara cutting stuff on my cricut machine!

And finally, a photo of my chairs I reupholstered, with Barbara's help, on Melbourne Cup Day!

I was very excited early on this Friday evening crop night as Sam was fiddling around on the net and found my blog listing on Google! I must admit I did a dance around the kitchen with excitement as I didn't expect to be listed quite as soon as this. And, it wasn't actually a really easy search. I think he had to enter ALL the words in the blog title before it popped up. But I don't care. This was my 15 NANOSECONDS of fame and I revelled in it!!! 

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