I'm so glad to be back blogging again. It is so long since i wrote a post, as you know!
I have updated the about page on this blog and shifted what was to be my book page onto a separate new blog. I did this because it just makes more sense to keep the two blogs apart. I would love it if you visited
and left a comment. I have only just started this one so please bear with me!
And miraculously, out of this incredible mess in my family room below -
the Cambridge Primary School OLYMPIC TORCH was created!
Here is Georgia posing with the torch in our hallway but I forgot to switch it ON for the photo - yes, it actually LIT UP!!! Now this is probably about as OFF THE PAGE as a project can get!!!
We celebrated the Olympic games in London at school with lots of
activities, the highlight being out Cambridge Olympic Torch Relay. Each grade selected two children to carry the torch and I paired them up with big and little kids together and the whole school, over 800 students, sat in the gym while the torchbearers trotted around the gym to the cheers of the crowd. The looks on the children's faces were priceless. Here I am handing over the torch to the Queen's official representative otherwise known as our Assistant Principal (hey the Queen was a bit busy that week, probably jumping out of helicopters with James Bond again!) sticking my big backside out as I attempt a most elegant curtsy (not) much to the amusement of the children!