It comes from this blog.

{I must give proper credit to the fabulous Jones Design Company for exposing me to two of my faves: Albemarle + Bell. I can’t stop using them. Click over for another wonderful list of MORE fabulously free fonts…and much more.}
Oh, and P.S. They’re all free.
Updated: Apparently ‘My Fonts,’ where I linked to Filosofia, Bell + Rosewood, has decided to start charging because of the traffic they received yesterday. It’s not nice to offer something for free and then take it away. Please google to your heart’s content {I located Filosofia and Bell and have redirected them to another source, so those should work} This font is very similar to Rosewood and looks oh so fabulous. I took down the original links because I don’t like the way they play. ;} You should be able to find it elsewhere. Thanks!
Happy appropriate font-filled friday, everyone!
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